Final reflections from Eddie

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As he finishes up as our CEO, Eddie reflects on his five years as part of the Solas Project team.

As I approach my retirement date as CEO of Solas Project I would like to take an opportunity to reflect on my time here.

Having spent nearly 35 very happy years in Neilstown with the Ronanstown Youth Service I had no intention of becoming involved on the ground with another youth project.  I had planned to spend a number of years lecturing to youth work students and carrying out research on a consultancy basis. Then I met Graham!

Those that knew him would have been very aware of his persuasive powers.

Initially, I agreed to work with him and the Compass team to design an intervention model, then I agreed to support the team on the in-reach prison programme. An experience I really enjoyed and learnt a lot from. Then, he convinced me to take on the role of CEO and I found it impossible to say no. I got the keys to the executive office just over four years ago (in case you get the wrong idea, it was the smallest and coldest room in the house, possibly a converted bathroom as the shower was still in place).

However, I believe Solas Project turned out to be a spiritual home for me.  I found it embodies most of the values and principles that are important to me in my personal and professional life. These include:

Being non-judgemental and making long term commitments to the young people we work with as evident from our After school clubs and Step Up. Never giving up on a young person no matter what happens.

Reaching out to those most in need, which is very much a core value for Solas Project.

Care. Our care goes beyond just professional care and we are emotionally available to the young people we support, recognising their potential, encouraging their dreams, celebrating their successes and sharing their disappointments. Above all being there in their time of need.

On accepting the role of CEO I found myself and the management team facing immediate major challenges.


Finance. There was an urgent need to stabilise our finances and source new funding. We have achieved this target with considerable support from Jack Massey (one of our volunteers), innumerable phone calls to Clodagh and much appreciated expertise from Michelle and Beatriz when they joined our team. The coffers have been well filled and at times I cannot believe the generosity of people, we have had a few real miracles on the way!

Developing Solas Project’s professional reputation especially with the statutory sector. We wanted to achieve this without losing our ethos and our traditional support base. It was really important we did not lose what makes Solas Project unique.

Premises. I inherited a number of premises which were in very poor condition and which we had very little surety of tenure. In fact I spent two years dodging our Landlord who was trying to evict us (he eventually succeeded).  We have managed to secure a modern building in an ideal location as our main office. We have also secured a new premise for our Yard project at 82 The Coombe and have refurbished both this premises and our Club venue two doors down. We have also improved our premise in Basin Lane. However, as Amy is very much aware a home where we can have everything under one roof in a purpose built premises that the young people of the Liberties deserve is still the dream.

I have always been very impressed and motivated by our staff team and volunteers.  I think we have a unique brand that seems to attract very committed caring people and I have really enjoyed working with them.

I am delighted that Amy has been appointed as our new CEO and will offer her any support I can give. I would ask everyone to rally around her and help her take Solas Project on the next stage of the journey.


All of the staff at Solas Project would like to thank Eddie for his unwavering support and diligent management of the organisation over the last four years. Eddie has always believed in and upheld the team, motivating and inspiring us with a similar passion he shows towards the young people.

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We’re glad Graham was so persuasive so as a result we acquired Eddie’s leadership and expertise with his invaluable experience in the youth work, and youth justice sector. He lives and breathes what he teaches. His authenticity extends to being able to laugh at himself, and allow us all to join in. We will miss those moments.

We wish Eddie the very best in this next chapter of his life.